The Benefits of Classroom Learning for Real Estate Licensing

Published by Kartik Subramaniam

Reading Time : 3 minutes

Real estate textbooks and ipad on desk inside of classroom

In order to become a real estate agent in California, applicants must complete courses in Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Practice as well as one Elective course. Although there are a number of options available for necessary pre-licensing coursework, there are specific benefits of a classroom scenario to advance your real estate career goals. The give and take of personalized education provided by a knowledgeable and experienced real estate practitioner can outweigh the flexibility and convenience of other choices.

Here’s why:


Online courses allow learners to work when it best suits them, but they are also easier to skip. Pre-licensing coursework requires a minimum of 135 hours of coursework; if you’re not sure of your ability to maintain an unwavering schedule without some structure, classroom time can help. By blocking out a specific time and place for class on a regular basis, many students find that the tendency to procrastinate or postpone is eliminated.

Interaction with Others

There is no substitute for the “up close and personal” attention that classroom real estate courses offer. Students have the ability to ask questions and receive immediate clarification often learn faster and retain information longer than those who simply listen to a presentation online or click through slides. An online classroom is, essentially, a one-way street; interaction is limited, even if visual aids are used and chat room communication is available. The dynamic in a physical classroom is different; interaction with other students is every bit as important as discussion with the instructor.

People Skills

Because real estate is, at its heart, a people-oriented business, association with individuals from varied backgrounds and with different skill sets is always instructive. The classroom can help you hone your people skills, assist you to address unique needs, and open your mind to the varied approaches that must be employed to work with different personalities.

Even if role-playing is not a formal part of the curriculum, students in a classroom situation benefit from the mix, and learn to develop a personal style.

Professional Networking

A classroom provides an opportunity to form business associations with other career-minded individuals, and to develop a professional network of both mentors, “cheerleaders” and motivators. The requirements for real estate licensing and the need to pass state licensing exams can be daunting. Classroom participation with a group of like-minded people offers a “first step” platform into the world of real estate, helping to sustain your motivation, gain professional stature and grow your business. That’s an ongoing career benefit.

If you’re serious about pursuing a real estate career, it’s only natural to feel an eagerness to get started. It’s also natural to want a “good deal” financially. Although classroom learning may be slightly more costly on the front end compared to an online option, the above benefits are likely to pay dividends by allowing you to pass the licensing exam with confidence and to start earning sooner.

As in any other field, the old saying, “Time is money,” holds true. Enrolling is a real estate class is an investment in your future.

Choose wisely.

For more information about real estate licensing or getting a real estate license in California call us at 888 768 5285.

Kartik Subramaniam

Founder, Adhi Schools

Kartik Subramaniam is the Founder and CEO of ADHI Real Estate Schools, a leader in real estate education throughout California. Holding a degree from Cal Poly University, Subramaniam brings a wealth of experience in real estate sales, property management, and investment transactions. He is the author of nine books on real estate and countless real estate articles. With a track record of successfully completing hundreds of real estate transactions, he has equipped countless professionals to thrive in the industry.

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