We can think of several different reasons. First of all, from a business perspective live real estate courses are much more costly to run than a strictly online model. High quality instructors must be compensated for teaching (our compensation rates are among the highest in the education industry) and classroom space must be procured. These costs create a strong incentive for education companies to keep overhead to a minimum and do "online only".

These online only companies will try to sell you on the fact that online schools offer convenience and a lower cost. While it is true that online programs can be more convenient because you don't have to drive somewhere, what are the odds of actually finishing such a course? If you received three 450+ page textbooks in the mail do you see yourself actually reading through all 1,500+ pages, understanding everything on a self-study basis? If you truly want an online option, we offer an amazing option but we still recommend our live courses.

Finally, our model requires a long-term commitment to customer service. Some of our smaller competitors do not have the financial or human capital resources to make this commitment.

We can't take money on behalf of the state for the examination. However, we do provide all the links to the forms and assistance when registering for the state exam. We are always just a phone call or email away.

Click here for our blog post on the forms required for the salesperson examination and the broker examination.

Here's a link to a YouTube video explaining how to fill out the RE 435 for the sales license exam and the RE 436 for the brokers exam.

The cost depends on what classes you need in order fulfill the requirements to take the state exam in California. We have a package wherein you can get Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Practice and your choice of an elective, all with a live component for $499.00. This includes a live two day crash course and the 1,000 practice question test bank.

For online only we have a package as low as $168.00.  This includes the physical textbooks.

This depends on how many classes you have enrolled in because FedEx charges based on weight. You will have the option to choose which shipping method is best for you once you are placing your order.

We will be shipping you your textbooks. You will need these to complete the online chapter quizzes and the open book final exam.

Other real estate schools will merely provide you with large PDF files to read online. Not only do we provide chapter quizzes and final examinations online we also provide physical textbooks for your reference.

To save money! They don't want to pay a publisher or printer for each of your textbooks.

If you are choosing the live supplementation option for our courses you will receive access to our live locations. This is a really big deal. All of our instructors are licensed real estate agents and are the best around. You will also receive a college-level textbook for each of the classes in addition to an online account wherein you can take practice quizzes and your final examination.

If you choose online only you will get all of the above minus the classroom component. We recommend choosing the live component.

Once logged into our website, you will get to choose which chapter quizzes you would like to take and you will also have access to the final exam for each course you are enrolled in. Once you complete the exam the system will automatically score your examination and you will be able to print your certificate of completion. You need this certificate to send in with your application for your real estate exam and license. The best part is that our site will store your certificate forever in PDF!

At this time we do not allow anyone to purchase the textbook only. The reason is that you need a certificate of completion for each of the classes in order to apply for the state examination. The book only won't accomplish this. If you just want to get your hands on a real estate book there are lots of books available at your nearest library.

If you don't have a library card, go get one!

Not at all! That is what makes Adhi Schools so unique. You can enroll at any given time and jump into our live classes any week. The books will take time to arrive to your home due to shipping so if you want to start a class on a Tuesday and you sign up the day before you won't have a book for that Tuesday class. (We can't magically beam you a textbook.) However, you are still welcome to come to the class and sit-in.

Also keep in mind that our real estate classes are revolving and will end up right back when you started, so you won't miss a thing. If you start Real Estate Principles on Chapter 5, for example, you will go all the way to Chapter 15 (the last chapter of the book) and cycle back to Chapter 5 in nine weeks.

One last thing - the course material in Real Estate Principles doesn't need to be taken in any specific order so you can start whenever it's convenient for you.

Negative. We feel our prices are the best around for what you get. Think you found something cheaper? Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. First of all, is there an instructor at any time during our competitors course? Do you actually get a physical textbook or is it online only? (Trust us, with the amount of material you are going to learn it's way better to have a physical textbook as opposed to a really big PDF file.) How long is your enrollment valid? What kind of support do you get from the back office?

We don't offer financial aid, but you may qualify for a payment plan. Call our office to discuss options.

A student who enrolls with us has seven (7) calendar days from the date of enrollment to request a refund. If a refund is requested, the school will refund all monies received with the exception of a $25.00 processing fee. The textbook must also be returned to the school in unused condition. Return shipping is the responsibility of the student. If the textbook shows wear and tear, the school will also retain $39.95 for the textbook. All refunds will be refunded the way the student paid for the class. No refunds will be issued after the seven days have lapsed. In lieu of a refund, the student may transfer the enrollment to another party within thirty (30) days of the date of enrollment. In the event of transfer, the transferee must sign a new enrollment agreement and you must sign a form indicating that you wish to transfer enrollment. Once thirty (30) days have passed, no refunds or transfers will be allowed.

Your materials will be sent via FedEx. You may choose the rate at which the materials are shipped.

Of course you can. That is one thing, to our knowledge, that you won't find anywhere else. Once you are enrolled you have the option of attending as many classes during the week as you would like. You may get through the material faster, but the 18 calendar day rule will stay in place. This rule says that in order to be eligible to take the final examination you must have possession of the course material for at least 18 calendar days.

There are two main guarantees in real estate examination prep: that you will pass and that and you will somehow be satisfied. Some schools will set it up so that if you don't pass you can continue to prep with the same company. It doesn't take much to see that this really isn't much of a guarantee. These pass and satisfaction guarantees are basically flawed. If you're not satisfied with the class, then you can continue to work with the same company. Obviously the problem here is that you're continuing to work with the same company with whom you weren't satisfied.

The best thing to do is to request a guest pass to see if the classes are something you want to get involved in. Click here to request one.

This varies by location. Some of our classes have over 30 students, while some stay right under 10. For specifics on each location please call our office at 888 768 5285. Local Number : 949.385.5683

Yes you can. We love letting our potential students check our classes. It gives you the opportunity to make sure you are making the right decision. Click here to request a free guest pass.

We believe that each students studying level is different, so we recommend that each student spend some time after each class with the online chapter quizzes and then also going over notes and the summary in the book.  However, students are required to spend 45 hours with the course material per course.

Again, you can use the online chapter quiz component that you receive after signing up with us.

You can make up this class anytime since we allow all of our students access to any location. You can search our schedule for the class you missed or wait for it to come around in the cycle at the location you normally attend.

This may come as a surprise, but Adhi Schools allows the student to be enrolled for 2 years. This doesn't mean we want you to take that long, but it is set in place if you have to place the class on hold for some time. We will still be around when you can jump back into class and studying online.

We are an independent real estate school which allows us to be a part of many different real estate companies. These top companies have chosen us as their primary source of real estate education and want a live program in their respective offices.

These offices choose our program over others because of the strength of our curriculum and the motivation we instill in our students to follow through, get licensed and to ultimately work with these offices.

In order to obtain a California salesperson license, you need to take three classes.  The classes are

  1. Real Estate Principles

  2. Real Estate Practice

  3. An elective course that you pick from a list.

NOTE:  If you have taken economics, accounting or business law in college, no matter how long ago and you passed with a "C" or better, the elective may not need to be taken again!  Call our office with any questions.

Once you finish these courses, you pass the real estate exam, go through a background check and you will be issued a license!  Call our office to discuss salesperson options today!

To obtain a brokers license, you need fulfill both an education requirement and an experience one.

Education requirement:
Applicants for a real estate broker license examination must have successfully completed eight of the following statutorily required college-level courses:

  1. Real Estate Practice; and

  2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate; and

  3. Real Estate Finance; and

  4. Real Estate Appraisal; and

  5. Real Estate Economics or Accounting; and

  6. Three courses from the following list

    • Real Estate Principles

    • Business Law

    • Property Management

    • Escrow

    • Real Estate Office Administration

    • Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending

    • Advanced Legal Aspects of Real Estate

    • Advanced Real Estate Finance

    • Advanced Real Estate Appraisal

    • Computer Applications in Real Estate

    • Common Interest Developments

If both Real Estate Economics and Accounting are taken, only two courses from the above group are required.

Please check our registration page to see the courses we currently offer!

Experience requirement:

In order to obtain a brokers license you must be able to say “yes” to one of the following (the two most common ways)

  1. Two years of full-time experience in our real estate business

  2. A bachelors degree with a major or minor in real estate

Adhi is a Sanskrit word that meaning “first”. The founders of the school always intended the school to be the first in a number of respects. First we wanted the school to be the first or number one school in California as judged by student satisfaction and passing ratio. We also want to be the first school that the real estate community when they want quality education and excellent customer service.

Your real estate license in California, allows the licensee to conduct a diverse range of activities. The vast majority of licensees engage primarily in residential brokerage, but the same license allows you to do commercial sales and leasing and also permits you to sell land, business opportunities and become a mortgage loan broker.  There are other things as well that you can do with a real estate license, like mineral oil and gas brokerage and property management as a broker.

Our site has up to 256-bit SSL encryption technology to ensure that your credit card information is secure when ordering. Also we never sell, rent, or lease information your without your consent.

All courses offered by Adhi Schools are 100% reviewed and approved by the California Bureau of Real Estate and fulfill the requirements when applying for either a salesperson or broker license.

A brokers license differs from a salesperson license in two principle respects. First as a salesperson in order to do any acts that would require a real estate license you need to be under the control and employ of a broker. For example, if you received a sales person license today but had not chosen a broker to work for, you could not do anything that would require a license because your license needs to be hung with a broker in order to conduct any real estate related activity.

On the other hand a broker’s license does not require that you be under the control and employ of anyone in order to conduct real estate related activities. You are your own walking real estate office.

The next main difference is that a broker can have multiple licenses. Conversely, as a salesperson your license can only be hung with one broker at a time. The salesperson license can be compared to a television set. The only way that television set can be turned on is by having it plugged in to the wall, but you can only plug it in to one outlet at a time.  Similarly a salesperson can only work for one broker at a time. On the other hand a broker can have multiple licenses. For example, the broker can have a one license for a mortgage corporation and another license to sell real estate from.

This is a legally binding instrument between ADHI Schools, LLC sometimes referred to in this document as the firm or the school or we and the above named party, hereafter referred to as the student or you. This is intended to have a binding effect, please read slowly and carefully. This document will confirm that you are enrolling in the above mentioned class offered by ADHI Schools, LLC. You understand that your enrollment in this course does not provide you with any classroom instruction. To complete this course, you will be required to spend a minimum of eighteen (18) days with the material and complete a 100 question, multiple choice, open-book final examination. The Department of Real Estate has approved this course as a correspondence course.

Optional live lecture supplementation

If you are signing up for a class that has live lecture supplementation time, you are welcome to come to any of those optional review sessions. These sessions are designed so that you can ask any questions to our instructors and review key course material. These lectures are optional and are not a requirement to obtaining your course certificate.

Information regarding the 100 question final exam

During our 100 question multiple choice examination, you may refer to the instructional material supplied to you through the course. A passing score on this exam is 60 percent or better. You will be given 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete this examination. Final examinations are either administered at one of our school locations during class time or by designated proctor. If the student decides to take the examination in the firms environment, the student should know that they are administered every class session by an employee of the school in an area separate from the classroom. Currently, Department of Real Estate guidelines dictate that you must wait a minimum of eighteen (18) days from the date of receipt of materials before taking the final exam. Upon passing the final exam you will receive a certificate of completion issued by the school. If you pass this examination the transcript of completion will be mailed to the student within 72 hours of grading. Reading the provided text will obviously prove useful in completing this examination, so make use of the textbook that is provided to you!

If you decide to take the 100 question examination through our online system you are also welcome to do so. If you are going to take it online you will not be able to cut, copy, or print during the examination. The system will score your examination for you and store your certificate in your profile assuming you have passed.

In the event the student fails the final exam, the student may retake the test until they pass for no additional cost. However, in the event of a failed examination the student must wait another eighteen (18) days from the date they last took the examination before they are allowed to retest. The objective here is to learn and retain as much about the subject matter as possible.

No legal advice given

Throughout this course you will learn about various aspects of real estate. It is the intention of the course and the firm to provide each student with up-to-date, timely and accurate information. However, the firm is not a legal one and our instructors are not attorneys. As such, none of the information disseminated should be relied upon as legal advice of any kind. Please consult your tax and legal advisors if you desire tax or legal advice. Also note that the Department of Real Estate has a website www.dre.ca.gov and on this site there is a form you may download to evaluate the course as a whole.

Cost of the course and what it includes

The cost of the course is as outlined and shipping charges are calculated per FedEx. Your enrollment is valid for a two year time period. Your fee includes the text book, the administration of the final exam, the grading of that final exam, fifteen (15) ungraded chapter quizzes, and the issuance of your course certificate, provided the course is completed within our two (2) year time frame. You are advised that the possession of a certificate of completion from this class alone does not allow you to act as a real estate salesperson.

Refund and cancellation policy

The student shall be entitled seven (7) calendar days from the date of enrollment to request a refund. If a refund is requested, the school will refund all monies received with the exception of a $25.00 processing fee. The textbook must also be returned to the school in unused condition. Return shipping is the responsibility of the student. If the school determines that unusual wear and tear has occurred with the textbook, or the text has been written in, the school will (in addition to the $25.00 processing fee) retain $39.95 for the textbook. All refunds will be mailed to the student within ten (10) days of receiving the request. No refunds will be issued after the seven (7) calendar days have lapsed. In lieu of a refund, the student may transfer the enrollment to another party within thirty (30) days of the date of enrollment. In the event of transfer, the transferee must sign a new enrollment agreement and you must sign a form indicating that you wish to transfer this enrollment. Once thirty (30) days have passed, no refunds or transfers will be allowed. All refunds will be made by business check to the student named above, regardless of who wrote the check or method of payment.

All refund requests must be made in writing to the above address and be postmarked no later than seven (7) days from the date of enrollment.

Course approval from the Department of Real Estate

The course is approved by the California Department of Real Estate.

Errors or omissions in the textbook

ADHI Schools believes that the materials are published in good faith. ADHI Schools is not responsible and will accept no responsibility for errata in any of the textbooks, review materials or study aids provided or sold to the student.

My signature below confirms that I have been given a reasonable amount of time to make a decision as to my enrollment in the course and all my questions regarding the course have been answered. I have read and understand all of the above including the refund and cancellation policy of the school. If paying by credit card, the school is authorized to charge the card the amount indicated below and I agree to abide by the terms of my card holder agreement.

Private providers of pre-license statutory real estate courses must obtain course approval from the Department of Real Estate (DRE). As part of the approval process, the DRE reviews the course materials only. The DRE does not qualify the school or course provider. In addition, there is no regulatory oversight of private pre-license course providers who offer courses or programs costing $500 or less. For courses or programs over $500, qualification by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education is required, in addition to DRE course approval. As a result, if a course provider offering a course costing $500 or less fails to deliver the educational course/program as represented, a student’s monetary remedy is to seek redress in Small Claims Court. Students are cautioned to fully understand the education course/program offered by the provider before enrolling or registering. A list of pre-license statutory courses approved by the DRE can be found on the DRE Web site at www.dre.ca.gov under DRE Records.

We allow users to try our online account for up to 7 days to examine our interface and make sure our program is right for them.  You can register for a trial account here. Register