How To Make $100k Your First Year in Real Estate

Published by Kartik Subramaniam

Reading Time : 5 minutes

Make money realtor

Oh, the allure of the real estate world! It's like a giant magnet for folks with big dreams of ditching the 9-to-5, being their own boss, and really taking control of their money. And why not, right? The beauty of diving into real estate is that you are the captain of your own ship. Your business grows as much as you hustle, and who doesn't love the sound of that?

Here's a little inside scoop: there's this magic number that everyone pencils at the top of their dream board - a cool $100,000. Cracking six figures isn't just about brimming bank accounts (although that's a sweet perk). It's more like a golden ticket that gets your foot in the door and your name on the leaderboard. It's a confidence booster, a sign you're playing in the big leagues, and can give you the confidence to climb even higher. So, for anyone breaking into the biz, crossing off that $100K target isn't just a flashy ambition; it's the first major pit stop on a thrilling ride to the top!

This number also strikes a balance between ambition and attainability. New agents, while enthusiastic, are aware of the realities of starting in real estate: the unpredictability of the market, the initial period where commissions might be sparse, and the competitive nature of the industry. Setting a goal too high might lead to early burnout from chasing unattainable targets, while too low a goal might not provide enough motivation. $100,000 is an accepted “middle ground” that provides a realistic target while offering enough challenge for motivation without being discouragingly unattainable.


But this requires a game plan.

And let's be real: a goal without a plan is just a wish. Without a target, how will you measure how far you've come? Or know what’s hot and what’s not? You need it to backtrack, tweak your strategies, and keep yourself honest. It’s your own personal reality check, stopping you from floating off into space.

So once you've aced your real estate exam your education truly begins. Now, instead of theory, you're analyzing the local real estate market in the real world.

So, what does the blueprint for achieving this goal entail?

To start, understanding the average sales price of homes in your market is a fundamental data point, as it correlates to potential commissions.

Suppose the median sales price in your area is $850,000. This will be your guiding figure, keeping in mind that actual property prices will be around this point.

The standard commission for real estate transactions hovers between 2-3% of the property's selling price. Using the average sales price gleaned from your market research, a 2.5% commission on an $850,000 property equates to $21,250.

So to reach your $100,000 goal you will need to close escrow on around five properties. However, remember that some deals will inevitably fall through due to various factors outside of your control.

Working with your broker or manager, you might come to realize that in order to close five transactions, you might need to open escrow on eight to ultimately close the five deals required to meet your income target.

Keep in mind that brokerage commission splits are a reality that will affect your take-home pay. If your brokerage claims a 30% share of your commission, your net earnings from each deal decrease, demanding another adjustment in your sales strategy to meet income objectives.

Develop a business plan that accounts for your brokerage's commission structure, the average property price in your area, and the realities of deal attrition. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your strategies as you learn more about market dynamics. The first step in doing this is to devise a schedule you need to open the eight escrows needed to achieve your income goal.

Remember there are only two ways to make more money in real estate:

  1. Increase your average sales price
  2. Close more deals

Whichever of these you choose, there are three crucial skills that new agents should develop to hit this lucrative target.

Lead Follow Up
Make Presentations

Prospecting and Marketing

Prospecting, the active process of searching for potential customers or buyers, is crucial in real estate sales. This proactive approach involves identifying individuals or entities in the market to purchase, sell, or invest in property. It is often what sets successful real estate professionals apart from their peers. In an industry where opportunities and competition coexist intensely, prospecting acts as a lifeline, ensuring a consistent flow of business opportunities and helping professionals keep their pipeline of potential sales active. Without effective prospecting, a real estate agent's business becomes highly susceptible to the peaks and troughs of market conditions, impacting sustainability and growth.

Moreover, prospecting allows real estate agents to establish and maintain relationships with a network of potential clients, which is essential in an industry driven by trust and personal connections. Agents build a reputation and a sense of authority among potential and future clients through regular communication initiated by prospecting efforts, such as calls, meetings, or community engagements. This continuous cycle of outreach and relationship management often leads to referrals, repeat business, and a robust client base, fostering long-term success. Prospecting is not just about seeking immediate opportunities; it's about nurturing an ecosystem of future opportunities, creating a solid foundation for a resilient and thriving real estate business.

Lead Follow Up

Securing a lead is just the beginning; following up is where the real work lies. The real estate industry thrives on relationships and trust, aspects developed through consistent communication. New agents should establish a systematic approach to lead follow-up, ensuring potential clients stay caught up.

This strategy might include personalized emails, regular check-in calls, or informative newsletters. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can be invaluable here, helping manage your contacts and set follow-up reminders. Responding promptly and thoughtfully to inquiries is crucial, showing potential clients your commitment and setting the stage for successful transactions.

Remember - the money is in the lead follow up

Improving Your Presentation Skills

An often under-emphasized real estate license education skill is the ability to present effectively. Whether you're pitching to a prospective client, showcasing a property, or negotiating deals, your presentation skills are constantly under the spotlight.

New agents should invest time in improving these skills — practicing property showings, role-playing negotiation scenarios, or even taking a public speaking course. A compelling presentation can sway decisions in your favor and is often the key to converting leads into sales. As you gain confidence, you'll also build a reputation for professionalism and competence, factors clients seriously consider when choosing an agent.

Earning $100,000 a year in real estate is not a feat achieved by sitting back and waiting for opportunities to knock. It results from proactive effort in prospecting, meticulousness in lead follow-up, and continual refinement of presentation skills. These activities and the foundational benefits of getting a real estate license create a pathway to reach and exceed your income goals.

Embrace these tasks with the understanding that real estate isn't just about selling properties; it's about forging relationships, providing top-notch service, and asserting your value in a competitive marketplace. Each satisfied client, successful deal, and learned lesson propels you closer to that six-figure milestone.

If you are interested in learning more about getting your real estate license, reach out at or call us at 888-768-5285.



Kartik Subramaniam

Founder, Adhi Schools

Kartik Subramaniam is the Founder and CEO of ADHI Real Estate Schools, a leader in real estate education throughout California. Holding a degree from Cal Poly University, Subramaniam brings a wealth of experience in real estate sales, property management, and investment transactions. He is the author of nine books on real estate and countless real estate articles. With a track record of successfully completing hundreds of real estate transactions, he has equipped countless professionals to thrive in the industry.

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