Real Estate Exam App

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California’s best real estate school now has the best real estate education app

You start your journey as a mere grasshopper, trying to move beyond the real estate exam so you can make some real money. Our iOS and Android application turn you into a full-blown real estate ninja, ready to attack the real estate test from all angles.

Interactive Questions With Embedded Vocabulary

The unique questions interface on our app helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses to study more efficiently. If you get an answer wrong, the system won’t let you move on until you answer it correctly. Then the system keeps track of these “first response wrong” answers and displays them in another cycle so you don’t make the same mistake twice. Along the way, you will see embedded vocabulary to help you recognize and learn key terms—just click the link for a quick, common sense definition to pop up! These options allow you to understand your logic as you go through the course material rather than just mindlessly answering questions like an extra from the Walking Dead.

Lesson Videos

All of the video lessons on the app are taught by Kartik Subramaniam, founder of ADHI Schools and the most active real estate instructor in California.


Ready to apply for the state exam? Go to and create your account!