Navigating Repair Requests in Real Estate: A Comprehensive Guide for Buyers and Sellers

Published by Kartik Subramaniam

Reading Time : 13 minutes

Guide for buyers and sellers

Navigating Repair Requests in Real Estate:<br /> A Comprehensive Guide for Buyers and Sellers

Published by Kartik Subramaniam
Reading Time : 4 minutes

Navigating Repair Requests in Real Estate:
A Comprehensive Guide for Buyers and Sellers

Imagine a young couple finally stumbled upon a charming old Victorian house nestled at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Smitten by its ornate design and quaint charm, they quickly decided this was the home they wanted to start their new chapter in. As they navigated the escrow process, Sarah and Tom decided to arrange for a home inspection, a decision informed by the insights they learned from reading our blog posts emphasizing the crucial role of home inspections.

The inspector, a seasoned professional, carried out a thorough inspection.
He discovered a series of issues, including outdated wiring, a leaky roof, and a cracked foundation—problems that were not evident during their initial visit. Heartbroken the couple contemplated canceling the transaction.

Now what?

Fortunately, there's a straightforward approach through a repair request. In this process, the buyer has the option to ask the seller for a monetary credit towards repairs or request that the seller completes the necessary repairs before escrow closes.

The ability to effectively manage repair requests can be the difference between a smooth transaction and one riddled with challenges. It can impact the overall timeline, the selling price, and sometimes even the deal's feasibility. A clear understanding of repair requests is valuable for both buyers and sellers. It helps buyers to effectively communicate their concerns and sellers to (hopefully) respond adequately, ultimately leading to a successful transaction.

I wanted to write an article exploring repair requests that would be a helpful review for those seasoned in our business and also for enthusiastic beginners just starting in our real estate
or studying for the real estate exam.

Defining Repair Requests

Before delving deeper into the implications and processes, let's define what I mean by 'repair
requests' in real estate transactions. A repair request is a formal request made by the prospective buyer to the seller, typically after a home inspection, asking for some action to be taken prior to the close of escrow. These could be as simple as asking for a leaky faucet to be fixed or as complicated as requesting structural repairs for a compromised foundation - or even a monetary credit to be given in lieu of or in addition to a repair.

These repair requests are generally documented in a form that details the discovered defects or issues. The buyer's real estate agent typically prepares it and can include photos or reports from the home inspector for a more comprehensive overview of the concerns. Remember, a repair request isn't a demand. It's part of the negotiation process, allowing the buyer to express concerns and the seller to respond and negotiate.

The significance of repair requests in the negotiation process cannot be overstated. They are critical in facilitating communication between the buyer and seller post-inspection. For buyers, these requests are a way to ensure that they are getting a home that is worth their investment, free from significant defects or safety hazards. For sellers, responding to these requests can mean the difference between closing a deal smoothly or losing the buyer.

Repair requests can influence the overall transaction in numerous ways. They may lead to adjustments in the asking price, allocation of additional funds for post-purchase repairs, or sometimes, if the seller and buyer can't agree, they can even result in the termination of the agreement. Hence, understanding and efficiently navigating repair requests is a crucial part of the real estate negotiation process. In the following sections, I will explore the roles of home inspections in this process and how sellers and buyers can effectively handle repair requests.

The Role of Home Inspections

A. The Importance of a Home Inspection

Before any property changes hands, a comprehensive home inspection is widely regarded as an essential step. A home inspection allows potential buyers to gain a clear and objective understanding of the condition of the property they are considering. A good home inspection thoroughly examines the property's structure, systems, and components—from the roof to the foundation. The ultimate goal is to uncover any hidden problems, safety issues, or potential future costs that could impact buying decisions.

While California (surprisingly) does not require that home inspectors have a license, they should be carried out by trained and skilled professionals who know what to look for and how to evaluate the state of the home's various elements. They provide a detailed report upon completion, outlining any areas of concern and recommendations for necessary repairs or replacements. This report forms the basis for understanding the property's condition and potential costs that may have yet to be factored into the initial purchase price.

B. How Home Inspections Can Lead to Repair

Upon home inspection completion, the buyer, often with their real estate agent, will review the inspection report in detail. If the inspector has identified issues that were not disclosed or evident at the time of the initial offer, the buyer may choose to submit a repair request to the seller. This request formally documents the issues found during the inspection that the buyer would like the seller to address. It is an important part of the negotiation process, helping to ensure that the buyer is satisfied with their purchase and that the home will be safe and habitable.

C. Illustrative Example of Common Issues Found
During Home Inspections That Can Result in
Repair Requests

There is a wide range of issues that home inspections can uncover. For example, the inspector might find signs of structural damage, such as cracks in the foundation. They may also identify outdated or unsafe electrical wiring, a leaking roof, faulty plumbing, or issues with major appliances like the HVAC system.

Let's consider a common scenario: the home inspection reveals that the roof is near its lifespan and shows signs of water damage due to leaks. The buyer, wanting to avoid assuming this large expense shortly after purchasing the home, might submit a repair request asking the seller to repair the roof or adjust the selling price to accommodate its impending replacement.

Navigating these issues is only sometimes straightforward. Buyers and sellers must work together to determine an acceptable solution that allows the transaction to proceed while ensuring the buyer is not burdened with undisclosed or unexpected repair costs. As we will explore in the following sections, understanding the intricacies of these negotiations is key to a successful real estate transaction

Making a Repair Request

A. Steps Involved in Making a Repair Request

Once a home inspection is completed and the buyer has reviewed the report, the process of making a repair request begins. While this process may vary, here are the general steps involved:

  • Review the Inspection Report: The buyer, often with their real estate agent, reviews the home inspection report to identify any issues or concerns.
  • Determine Important Repairs: Only some issues discovered during the inspection warrant a repair request. The buyer must decide which repairs are significant enough to bring to the seller's attention. These include safety hazards, structural issues, or problems that could lead to substantial future costs.
  • Prepare the Repair Request: The buyer's agent will prepare a repair request detailing the issues and suggested repairs. This document can include relevant parts of the inspection report and sometimes photos to clarify the problems.
  • Submit the Repair Request: The repair request is then submitted to the seller (or their agent) for review. The seller can agree to all repairs, negotiate which repairs they are willing to address or refuse to do any repairs.

B. The Role of a Real Estate Agent in Making a
Repair Request

The real estate agent plays a crucial role in the repair request process. As professionals with experience in the intricacies of real estate transactions, they can provide valuable guidance on what issues are worth negotiating over and what might be considered minor or typical "wear and tear." Their knowledge and negotiation skills can be invaluable in presenting the proposal in a manner that encourages positive responses and effective communication between both parties.

C. Possible Outcomes of a Repair Request and
How to Handle Each Scenario

The outcomes of a repair request can vary widely and will require different responses:

  • Seller Agrees to All Repairs or Credits: In this ideal scenario, the seller agrees to address all the issues presented in the repair request. Once the repairs are done, the sale proceeds as planned.
  • Seller Agrees to Some Repairs or Credits: The seller may agree to address some, but not all, of the issues. In this case, the buyer must decide whether to accept the seller's offer, negotiate further, or potentially walk away from the sale.
  • Seller Refuses All Repairs: If the seller refuses to carry out any repairs, the buyer can accept the property as-is, try to negotiate a lower sale price to account for the necessary repairs, or walk away from the sale if the issues are substantial, and the contract allows for it.

Remember, a repair request is part of the negotiation process.Both buyers and sellers must approach these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to find a fair compromise for both parties. The following sections will discuss how sellers and buyers can manage these scenarios effectively.

Considerations for Sellers

A. Understanding the Seller's Obligations
Related to Repair Requests

When a seller receives a repair request from a potential buyer, it's crucial to understand their obligations in this scenario. It's worth noting that while buyers can request repairs, sellers are only sometimes legally obligated to make these repairs if specified in the purchase agreement or required by local law or regulation.

However, most people agree that when selling a property there is an implicit obligation to act in good faith. Suppose the inspection has uncovered significant issues not disclosed by the seller, particularly if they concern safety or the property's structural integrity. In that case, the seller might be legally obligated to either address these issues or disclose them to any future potential buyers. Consultation with a real estate attorney can provide clarity on these matters.

B. How Repair Requests Can Impact the
Selling Price

Repair requests directly impact the negotiation process and can influence the final selling price of the property. If a seller agrees to make requested repairs, they'll bear the cost, which could be considered when discussing the final selling price.

If a seller doesn't want to make the repairs, the buyer may request a reduction in the selling price equivalent to the estimated cost of repairs. This way, the buyer can proceed with the purchase and use the price reduction to manage the repairs post-sale.

C. Strategies for Sellers in Addressing
Repair Requests

Here are some strategies sellers can employ when dealing with repair requests:

  • Pre-Listing Inspection: Before listing the property, inspecting it can help the seller identify and address any potential issues. This proactive approach can streamline the selling process by reducing the chance of unexpected repair requests from the buyer later. Be careful though as a pre-sale inspection may uncover significant issues that the seller is then obligated to disclose to potential buyers. This could potentially impact the listing price or deter buyers who are looking for a home that's move-in ready. Secondly, the upfront cost of the inspection and subsequent repairs may be a burden for the seller. Also, even after addressing the issues identified in a pre-listing inspection, buyers may still request their own inspection and possibly uncover additional concerns that the initial inspection missed. Thus, while a pre-listing inspection can streamline the selling process, it's crucial for sellers to consider these potential drawbacks.
  • Be Open to Negotiation: Even if a seller doesn't want or can't afford to carry out all requested repairs, negotiation can help keep the transaction moving. This might mean agreeing to some of the repairs, offering a price reduction, or providing credit at closing for the buyer to do the repairs themselves.
  • Provide Evidence: If a seller completes the repairs, keeping receipts and other evidence of the work is wise. This can reassure the buyer that the issues have been adequately addressed.
  • Engage Professionals: For many repairs, engaging professional contractors is beneficial. This ensures the repairs are completed correctly and adds a level of reassurance for the buyer.

Understanding repair requests from the seller's perspective can make the selling process smoother and more efficient. Maintaining the property's profitability while ensuring a fair and transparent transaction for both parties is a delicate balance.

Advice for Buyers

A. Importance of a Thorough Inspection Before
Making a Repair Request

As you prepare for your real estate exam, one crucial concept to understand is the importance of a thorough home inspection before making a repair request. This process goes beyond a superficial review of the property—it's an in-depth evaluation of the home's overall condition. It helps uncover potential problems that may not be visible to the untrained eye.

B. Balancing Repair Requests with
Negotiation Power

Negotiation skills are another crucial topic covered in the real estate exam, particularly regarding repair requests. When making these requests, a buyer should balance the desire for a perfect home with the need to maintain a positive negotiation environment.

Requesting too many minor repairs may frustrate the seller and cause them to be less flexible during negotiations on points that might really matter to the buyer. On the other hand, overlooking significant issues in favor of a quick sale can result in costly repairs. The key is to focus on issues that affect the home's value, safety, or functionality and to be willing to overlook minor cosmetic issues that can be easily fixed after the purchase.

C. When to Compromise and When to
Stand Firm in Repair Requests

A major lesson to learn as you study for your real estate exam and beyond is knowing when to compromise and when to stand firm in repair requests. This knowledge will serve you well whether you're negotiating your real estate transactions or assisting clients in the future.

You should stand firm on these requests if a home inspection uncovers serious issues—such as structural damage, mold, or a faulty HVAC system. These are substantial concerns that can affect the safety and habitability of the home and lead to significant expenses if not addressed.

However, if the issues are relatively minor—like cosmetic damage or small, easily fixable problems—it might be worth compromising to maintain good relations with the seller and keep the purchase process moving smoothly.

In essence, your strategy should always consider the property's long-term value and your comfort and safety. Balancing these concerns with a flexible and reasonable approach to negotiations can help ensure a successful and satisfactory real estate transaction.

Legal Aspects of Repair Requests

A. Brief Overview of Legal Obligations and
Implications for Both Buyers and Sellers

The importance of understanding legal obligations in real estate cannot be overstated—this is a core principle emphasized in any reputable real estate school. Both buyers and sellers may have rights and obligations concerning repair requests. As mentioned earlier, sellers may not be legally bound to agree to all repair requests, but they do have a duty to disclose known defects. Non-disclosure can lead to legal issues down the road. Buyers, on the other hand, have the right to request repairs or negotiate for a lower price based on the home inspection results.

B. The Role of Disclosure Documents in
Repair Requests

A crucial component of real estate transactions you'll encounter in real estate school is the role of disclosure documents. Sellers are typically required to complete these forms, which provide a detailed account of the property's condition and history, including any known defects or issues. These disclosures play a significant role in repair requests.

The buyer's repair requests ideally align with the issues disclosed by the seller and those uncovered during the home inspection. Failure on the seller's part to disclose known defects can result in legal action, making these documents extremely important in the negotiation process and safeguarding both parties' interests.

C. Consultation with a Real Estate Attorney and
Understanding State-Specific

Real estate laws can be complex and often vary by state, another crucial aspect covered in real estate school. This is why it's often advisable for both buyers and sellers to consult with a real estate attorney, mainly when repair requests involve substantial concerns or potential legal implications.

Real estate attorneys can provide a clearer understanding of the laws governing real estate transactions in your state. They can advise you on your legal obligations, rights, and the potential ramifications of your decisions concerning repair requests.

Understanding the legal aspects of repair requests not only ensures you're well-prepared for your real estate exam but also provides you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate real estate transactions effectively, protecting your interests and those of your clients.

In the intricate world of real estate transactions, repair requests constitute a pivotal element that can significantly impact the negotiation process, final selling price, and overall transaction success. As I've hoped to discuss the various facets of repair requests, from their definition to their implementation, and delved into the important roles of home inspections and legal considerations, it becomes evident that a clear understanding of this concept is vital for buyers and sellers.

Whether you're a buyer looking for a dream home, a seller aiming for a seamless sale, or a real estate professional seeking to serve your clients best, being well-versed in handling repair requests can help ensure a more efficient, transparent, and successful real estate transaction. As the complexities of real estate continue to evolve, remember that knowledge remains your most reliable tool in navigating this exciting industry.

As always, if you are looking to get your real estate license
call us at 888-768-5285 or visit



Kartik Subramaniam

Founder, Adhi Schools

Kartik Subramaniam is the Founder and CEO of ADHI Real Estate Schools, a leader in real estate education throughout California. Holding a degree from Cal Poly University, Subramaniam brings a wealth of experience in real estate sales, property management, and investment transactions. He is the author of nine books on real estate and countless real estate articles. With a track record of successfully completing hundreds of real estate transactions, he has equipped countless professionals to thrive in the industry.

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