Jumpstart Your Real Estate Career: Find Your First Clients in 90 Days

Published by Kartik Subramaniam

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Published by Kartik Subramaniam
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Jumpstart Your Real Estate Career:

Find Your First Clients in 90 Days

The beginning of any career is crucial, but this is especially true for real estate agents. A strong start sets the stage for long-term success, establishing credibility and building momentum. As a new real estate agent, finding your first client is a significant milestone, signaling that you're on the right track and demonstrating your capabilities as a professional. However, navigating the competitive landscape and securing that initial client can be challenging. This article will guide you through the process, providing the tools and strategies necessary to secure your first client within 90 days.

After two decades of instructing real estate classes and assisting thousands of newly licensed agents in launching their careers, I've observed that those who enjoy longevity in the industry often quickly prove their ability to succeed in the business. The longer the gap between obtaining a license and closing a deal, the higher the likelihood of a new agent leaving the industry altogether. As a result, closing a deal early in one's career is of paramount importance.

New agents often need help with entering the real estate market. One of the primary challenges is standing out in a sea of experienced agents who have already built extensive networks and established reputations. Additionally, potential clients may be hesitant to work with someone new, preferring to rely on experienced agents with proven track records. Furthermore, as a newcomer to the industry, you'll need to learn the ins and outs of your local market, develop your marketing strategies, and establish your brand while managing your day-to-day business operations.

Despite these challenges, it's essential to remain focused on securing your first client within the initial 90 days of your career. This timeframe allows for a realistic and achievable target, setting you up for success. Achieving this goal boosts your confidence as a real estate professional, helps you gain invaluable experience, and starts building a portfolio of satisfied clients. To help you reach this milestone, we'll provide you with a comprehensive outline of the best practices and strategies for finding clients and closing deals as a new real estate agent.

Build a Strong Personal Brand

In today's digital age, having a strong personal brand is essential for any real estate agent, particularly those just starting their careers. Your brand is the image you project to the world, reflecting your personality, skills, and expertise. It sets you apart from other agents and helps you attract clients who resonate with your unique approach. To build a powerful personal brand, consider the following steps:

Create a professional online presence

Your online presence is often the first impression potential clients have of you, so make sure it's positive and professional. Here are some ways to establish your online presence:

  1. Develop a user-friendly website that showcases your services, listings, and testimonials. Be sure to include a clear call-to-action, such as a contact form, to encourage visitors to contact you.
  2. Set up profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Share relevant content that highlights your expertise, engages your audience, and showcases your personal brand.
  3. Register on real estate platforms such as Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com, ensuring your profile is complete, up-to-date, and optimized for search engines.

Showcase your personality, skills, and expertise

Showcase your personality, skills, and expertise As a new agent, it's crucial to demonstrate your unique qualities and abilities. To do this, consider the following:

  1. Share your story, including why you chose a career in real estate and what motivates you. This helps potential clients connect with you on a personal level.
  2. Highlight your qualifications, certifications, and areas of specialization. This demonstrates your commitment to professional development and sets you apart from other agents.
  3. Use testimonials from friends, colleagues, or mentors to validate your skills and character, especially if you still need client testimonials.

Develop a unique selling proposition (USP)

Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) Your USP differentiates you from other real estate agents in your area. It's the reason clients should choose you over your competitors. To create a compelling USP:

  1. Identify the qualities that make you unique, such as your background, work style, or niche market expertise.
  2. Consider the needs of your target audience and how your strengths can address those needs.
  3. Craft a clear and concise statement that encapsulates your unique value. This statement should be easily communicated and consistently incorporated into your marketing materials and online presence.

By building a strong personal brand, you'll be able to stand out from the competition and attract clients who appreciate your unique approach to real estate.

Leverage Your Network

Your personal network can be a goldmine of potential clients, particularly when you're just starting in the real estate industry. People who know and trust you are more likely to refer you to their friends, family, and colleagues, providing you with valuable leads. Here's how to make the most of your connections:

Don't be afriad to reach out to family, friends, and acquaintances for referrals. Let your network know you're now a licensed real estate agent. Inform them about your new career and ask for their support in spreading the word. Keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Create a personalized email or message to send to your contacts, briefly explaining your new role and asking for their help in identifying potential clients.
  2. Offer to assist with any real estate-related questions or concerns they may have, even if they're not currently in the market for a property.
  3. Follow up with your contacts periodically to check in and remind them that you're available to help with their real estate needs.

Attend local events and engage with your community

Building relationships within your community is essential for establishing yourself as a local expert and generating leads. Consider these strategies for engaging with your community:

  1. Attend community events like neighborhood gatherings, charity functions, and local business expos. Introduce yourself to attendees and share your expertise in a genuine, non-salesy manner.
  2. Join local clubs, organizations, or associations relevant to your interests and the real estate industry. This will help you build relationships with like-minded individuals and potentially connect with prospective clients.
  3. Volunteer for local causes or events. This demonstrates your commitment to the community and allows you to network with fellow volunteers and attendees.

Utilize social media platforms to connect with potential clients

Social media can be an incredibly effective tool for networking and reaching a wider audience. To leverage these platforms, consider the following:

  1. Share valuable content related to real estate, such as market updates, home-buying tips, and local news. This will position you as a knowledgeable resource and attract potential clients.
  2. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and initiating conversations.
  3. Use targeted ads or sponsored posts to reach a broader audience, including friends of your existing connections.

By leveraging your personal network and engaging with your community, you'll increase your visibility and create a solid foundation of trust and credibility, making it easier to attract and retain clients.

Engage in Active Prospecting

Active prospecting is crucial to a successful real estate career, especially for new agents looking to secure their first clients. By proactively reaching out to potential leads, you increase your chances of connecting with those who need your services. Here are some key strategies for effective prospecting:

Cold call, door knock, and email potential leads

While these traditional prospecting methods may seem daunting, they can be incredibly effective. Here's how to make the most of them:

  1. Research your target market and create a list of potential leads, focusing on those most likely to require your services.
  2. Develop a personalized and compelling script for each prospecting method, emphasizing the value you can offer as a real estate agent.
  3. Be prepared for rejection and remain persistent, understanding that connecting with a potential client often takes multiple attempts.

Set daily, weekly, and monthly prospecting goals

Establishing clear and achievable goals for your prospecting efforts will help keep you on track and motivated. Consider the following when setting your goals:

  1. Determine the number of calls, emails, and door knocks you commit to daily, week, and month. Be realistic about the time and resources you have available.
  2. Set specific objectives for each prospecting method, such as scheduling appointments or generating a particular number of leads.
  3. Monitor your progress regularly, celebrating your successes and identifying areas for improvement.

Track your progress and adjust your approach as needed

Regularly evaluating your prospecting efforts allows you to identify what's working, what's not, and what needs to change. Keep these tips in mind as you track your progress:

  1. Record the results of each call, email, or door knock, including the outcome and any feedback received.
  2. Analyze your results to determine the most effective prospecting methods and identify any trends or patterns.
  3. Adjust your approach based on your findings, experimenting with different strategies and techniques to maximize your success.

By engaging in active prospecting, setting realistic goals, and monitoring your progress, you'll be well on your way to securing your first clients and laying the foundation for a thriving real estate career.

Partner with Experienced Agents

In the early days of a real estate career, new agents need to leverage the knowledge and experience of industry veterans. Partnering with experienced agents is an effective way to learn best practices and quickly gain practical experience. Although real estate school provides a strong foundation, there is no substitute for hands-on learning and mentorship from seasoned professionals. By collaborating with successful agents, newcomers can acquire the necessary skills to close deals confidently and efficiently.

Offering to assist with open houses or showings is a proactive approach that enables new agents to observe industry veterans in action. This exposure to real-life scenarios can serve as a "real estate crash course," supplementing the theoretical knowledge gained in real estate school.

Participating in these events also allows new agents to develop essential skills, such as effective communication, negotiation, and client relationship management, which are crucial for success in the industry.

Seeking mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals is invaluable for new agents eager to learn and grow. A good mentor can provide personalized advice and support, helping the new agent navigate the challenges and complexities of the real estate world. This guidance can be particularly beneficial during the crucial first 90 days, as new agents strive to close their first deal and establish themselves in the market.

In summary, partnering with experienced agents, offering assistance at open houses and showings, and seeking mentorship are crucial strategies for new real estate agents aiming to close deals within their first 90 days. These approaches complement the knowledge gained in real estate school and provide new agents with the practical experience necessary to succeed in the competitive world of real estate.

Invest in Continuous Learning and Development

As a new real estate agent, investing in continuous learning and development is crucial for long-term success in an ever-evolving industry. Real estate is a dynamic field with fluctuating market trends, emerging technologies, and constantly changing regulations. New agents must proactively enhance their skills, knowledge, and expertise to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

Attending real estate conferences and workshops allows agents to broaden their horizons and gain insights into industry developments. Conferences provide invaluable networking opportunities, allowing new agents to connect with experienced professionals and learn from their wisdom and experiences. These events also expose agents to various educational sessions, case studies, and panel discussions, which can help them deepen their understanding of the real estate market and its complexities.

Staying updated on market trends and industry news is essential for new agents looking to provide the best possible service to their clients. A thorough understanding of the current market landscape enables agents to make informed recommendations to their clients, whether buying, selling, or renting properties. Additionally, staying informed about industry news helps agents anticipate future shifts in the market, allowing them to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Pursuing relevant certifications and designations can significantly enhance an agent's credibility and marketability. These qualifications demonstrate a commitment to professionalism and adherence to industry standards. By pursuing additional certifications, new agents can specialize in specific niches or aspects of real estate, such as luxury properties, commercial real estate, or property management. This specialization can lead to higher earnings and a more successful career.

Continuous learning and development are vital for new real estate agents who wish to thrive in a competitive market. Attending conferences and workshops, staying informed about market trends and industry news, and pursuing relevant certifications all contribute to an agent's professional growth and success. By prioritizing their professional development, new agents can build a solid foundation for a rewarding and prosperous career in real estate.

In conclusion, the first 90 days of a real estate agent's career are critical for laying the groundwork for long-term success. By building a strong personal brand, leveraging personal networks, engaging in active prospecting, partnering with experienced agents, and investing in continuous learning and development, new agents can increase their chances of securing their first clients within this crucial timeframe. Establishing a strong foundation early on helps new agents gain confidence in their abilities and sets the stage for a thriving career in the competitive world of real estate. With determination, persistence, and the right strategies in place, new agents can overcome the challenges they face and celebrate the milestone of closing their first deal within 90 days.

As always, the first step in your real estate career is to enroll in the right real estate school . Call us at 888 768 5285 or visit us at www.adhischools.com for more info.



Kartik Subramaniam

Founder, Adhi Schools

Kartik Subramaniam is the Founder and CEO of ADHI Real Estate Schools, a leader in real estate education throughout California. Holding a degree from Cal Poly University, Subramaniam brings a wealth of experience in real estate sales, property management, and investment transactions. He is the author of nine books on real estate and countless real estate articles. With a track record of successfully completing hundreds of real estate transactions, he has equipped countless professionals to thrive in the industry.

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